The Awkward Part...
Michael Schuhmann is an American born photojournalist with over 3-decades of experience. His dynamic storytelling photographs have a precise visual representation of the world. Michael has the ability to frame photographic content in such a way as to elicit an emotional response. He has traveled the globe photographing cultural events and is widely known for his gritty black and white reportage.
I started photography as a means to document the karate tournaments that my friends and I were competing in. My father allowed me to borrow his Kodak 110-instamatic camera, which turned out to be a huge waste of film, yes, I said FILM, that's how old I am. After all it was the late 70's. In 1979 Olympus introduced the Olympus OM-10 and that year I found one under the Christmas tree, my first 35-mm SLR. It was like a drug and I needed to support my habit so I photographed anything and everything and eventually pointed my camera at wedding photography and I rode that pony for almost 30-years. It was an excellent career choice, it allowed me to hone my craft and travel the world while I did what I loved. Someone once told me, "do what you love and the rest will follow."
So what you see on this site is a culmination of 30-years of non-wedding photography. Long term projects, world travel's, my own neighborhood and my own back yard. I need to thank my parents for providing me with my first camera and their never ending support, no matter how much trouble I got into...
"I'm just a guy with a camera and this is what I saw."